Books and documents:
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà, Brauli Tamarit Tamarit.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.
Magdalena Grau, Agustí Chalaux.
Martí Olivella.
This essay has been written keeping in mind all those people who, being
dissatisfied with social reality, are investigating and looking for new
It is especially meant for specialists and social researchers wishing
to find new alternatives to the eternal blind alleys.
We must however advise that this essay does not claim to be either a
comprehensive or scientific work; it is rather the basis for a possible
future scientific research, much more extensive and specialized.
As a matter of fact, it is not an actually scientific research on economics;
it is rather a consideration on economics as a science, and on the social
possibilities of an «economic technology» which at present
is already technically feasible.
The ideas we submit, and the technical suggestions which will be developed,
are offered as an instrument for study and dialogue. We do not mean to
present here a wholly complete doctrinal body, we want rather to excite
criticism and co-operation, and to promote study, research and debate.
In a further essay we will deal more deeply with the possible social
effects of our suggestions. Therefore, this essay is simply the technical-instrumental
part of a larger and more complex body of thoughts on the possibilities
open to the human race at the end of the XX century.
The words which in the course of this essay are printed in bold-face,
are technical words or expressions which not always correspond to the current
meaning. Most of them are explained as soon as they appear. However, the
Centre d'Estudis Joan Bardina is preparing a Systematic guide to univocal
terms (Number 7 of this collection of works) where all the terms which
require a deep etymological and linguistic research are methodically studied,
in order to give them an exact univocal meaning.