Books and documents:
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà, Brauli Tamarit Tamarit.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.
Magdalena Grau, Agustí Chalaux.
Martí Olivella.
Chapter 23. Possibilities in the case of hypothesis confirmation.
- The commercial common good at present.
- The commercial common good under the cheque-invoice regime.
- Imperialization of the commercial common good.
- Economics.
The monetary reform we have suggested in Part One
of this essay may have long range consequences in the life of the geopolitical
community where it will be carried out: this we have seen all along Parts
Two and Three.
Now, the confirmation of the hypothesis submitted in this Part Four
helps and reinforces the practical applicability of the above-mentioned
social suggestions.
1. The commercial common good at present.
As we have said several times at present the hypothetical common good
-that is the hypothetical possibility of inventing money (purchasing power)
in accordance with the production surpluses actually existing on the market-,
is taken by the Banks and by the States, the only ones having the ability
-legal or practical and according to custom- of inventing money.
In chapter 2 of Part One we have seen that
this ability has been developed and modified in the course of time.
Now, the fact that at present there is no informative and all-documentary
monetary system, means that neither the Banks nor the States know exactly
the common good. Even if the information concerning the market available
to the States, and even more to the Banks, is much more important than
that available to the common people, does not mean that it is not imperfect
and partial.
We find ourselves, then, in the following situation: the Banks and the
States use the market common good of every imperial community only as far
as they know it or they sense it, and always by sectors, each one on its
own. As a consequence, the invention of money they carry out -passing over
the fact that it may be unfair- is always imbalancing, because:
it is not global and integrated in all the imperial community, but sectorial,
it is not exact, but almost always excessive or lacking, thereby producing
the known crises of inflation and deflation;
the invented purchasing power does not go, in the end, to those social
sectors where they are really needed in order to balance the market.
Summarizing, at present the market common good is misappropriated and is
completely unprotected. However, it is very easy to change this situation.
2. The commercial common good under the cheque-invoice
By simply starting a monetary system based on the pro-telematic cheque
invoice, we set the basis also for:
The confirmation or invalidation of the hypothesis of the mercantile common
good: taking the exact information supplied by the analytical-statistical
all-accountancy it is only necessary to carry out the relevant calculations;
in any case, this confirmation or invalidation cannot be immediate, but
will have to be ushered by a longer or shorter period of promotion of the
social and commercial liberties necessary so that the common good may spring
up spontaneously and flowingly, with all its power. If, in the course of
time, the common good appears to be persistent, constant and, still better,
growing, then it will be possible to consider its exitence as confirmed.
And, in case of confirmation, its exact, accurate and global knowledge,
together with the knowledge of the social sectors towards which it is more
suitable and profitable to channel the invention of the relevant money.
This knowledge of the commercial common good is the platform for a new
series of social actions, very rich in possibilities, as we shall see next.
3. Imperialization of the commercial common good.
In our hypothesis the mercantile common good consists of the existence
on the market of production surpluses caused by the action of communal
production forces not paid by the market.
These communal production forces are no secret, and can be explained
in different ways.
A possible explanation takes into consideration the productive effort
of the past generations, of the persons who are now in the tomb and receive
no payment, while we go on taking advantage of their works. For example,
nobody pays royalties for building or using a wheel.
Another possible explanation keeps in mind the global cultural level
of a community: the wisdom, peace, culture, education, technical development,
social, psychologic, material well-being..., are factors which, indirectly
but undeniably, contribute in great measure to rise the productivity of
every human community.
Another important factor to be kept in mind is the mercantile freedom.
The more freely can a market be organized, the greater is its vitality,
and greater is therefore its capacity to produce market surpluses.
However, our aim is not to give here a more rigorous explanation on
the action of the communal production agents; now we are only interested
in emphasizing that all these active factors are not the private property
of anybody, but a heritage of the whole community. Based on this verification
we suggest the imperialization of the commercial common good.
The imperialization of the commercial common good does not mean at all
the imperialization of the production surpluses which, of course, are certainly
private property.
By imperialization of the commercial common good we understand the imperialization
of the ability to invent money in accordance with the actually existing
mercantile production surpluses. This means that the imperial community,
through the State (its manager) is the only one with a constitutionally
acknowledged ability to invent money based exclusively on the production
surpluses. As a guarantee for this invention the community relies on the
positive surpluses of all the sight current accounts, also imperialized.
As far as the Banks are concerned, as we have already said previously
(chapter 12), they will be allowed to go on
inventing money, but based exclusively on their own capitals and reserves,
and on capitals handed over to them to this end, but not on the basis of
the sight current account surpluses.
From the imperialization of the commercial common good as explained,
will be derived a number of possible realities which we call «economical»
4. Economics.
The self-political action starting from the exact and accurate knowledge
of the commercial common good existing in the geopolitical community, is
called «economy». From an ethymologic point of view, economy
means «equal sharing (nomos, -nomy) among all the community members,
of the communal wealth (oikos, eco-)».
When, in any imperial community, the existence of the commercial common
good be a fact experimented and verified for a long time, the source of
all the communal wealth, of all the communal monetary mass may become exclusively
the invention of communal money (imperialized) in accordance with the mercantile
production surpluses. Then, the duty of communal omnisoldarity will be
able to disappear.
When, in chapter 14 we have mentioned the
obtention of the communal monetary mass through this sole tax, we have
said that some complementary steps could be foreseen, to increase this
mass; if the commercial common good appears to be strong and with a growing
trend, these complementary steps may become the main ones, and the tax
may be progressively reduced until its total suppression.
The communal monetary mass, then, will be made secure by the following
Invention of communal money in accordance with the investment production
surpluses actually existing on the market: this money will be shared out
and reprivatized under the shape of communal credits to investment to those
companies applying for them, with sufficient guarantees of effectiveness
and profitability.
Invention of communal money in accordance with the consumption production
surpluses (goods in the possession of retail shops and industries) actually
existing on the market: this money will be shared out and reprivatized
under the shape of consumption communal finances, according to the financial
Statutes indicated in chapter 14.
The positive balances of all the sight current accounts, being imperialized,
will be the accounting-abstract guarantee of this invention of communal
Eventually, in the cases of serious shortages in some given production
sectors, it will be possible to carry out a partial and selective freezing
of current accounts, for subsidizing such sectors.