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Books and documents:

A short history of money.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà, Brauli Tamarit Tamarit.

Communal Capitalism.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.

An instrument to build peace.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.

Semitic legends concerning the bank.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.

Telematic currency and market strategy.
Magdalena Grau, Agustí Chalaux.

The power of money.
Martí Olivella.

The group debts

Some speak about the spiritual laws of cause and effect. Are they just for individuals or also for the community? The suffering or oppression of some groups with respect to others, could cause reactions in an opposite sense? Which is the aim of such reactions? How have they concerned such movements in the case of the Catalan nation? Can anybody take advantage of such compensation movements for their own benefit? How can we settle the debts incurred and help what we want collectively? Thanks to some bits of information which we obtain from the past lives therapists, and those contributed by students of the censored history of the Catalan nation, we may start to understand the necessary ethical relationship between communities. An article by Brauli Tamarit.

“It is better to light a candle than to curse darkness.”

Confucius (551-479 b.C.)

Chinese represented on a capital of the monastery of Ripoll. Expanded view.As a result of the overlap of information coming from two different sources, we may attain a knowledge which may offer a causality hypothesis for a number of phenomena which offer no explanation should we study only one of them. In this case we are talking of metapsychics and the so-called human social sciences.

In Only Love is Real, by Brian Weiss, a doctor in psychiatry who works with the Past Lives Therapy (PLT), the author explains that, in a regression under hypnosis applied to some of his patients, some souls which apparently belonged to masters or to learned persons, for one moment take control of the patient’s vocal chords. In this way these souls give the therapist a number of explanations related to the apprenticeship of the spiritual conscience.

Specifically, in pages 91-92 of the Spanish translation of the above book, we find the following passage, written as if it were under dictation:

–“There are different sorts of karma, debts to be paid off. Individual karma concerns the person’s own duties, which they alone must fulfil. But there is also a group karma, the group debts, and there are several groups: religions, races, nationalities, etc. At a higher level, we find the planetary karma, which concerns the planet’s destiny and its consequences. In the group karma there are not only individual stored up and settled debts, but their consequences may finally be attributed to the group, the country or the planet. The application of such karma determines the group’s or country’s future, but it is also applied to the individual which incarnates in the group or country, either at the same time or in a future group or country, even if it is not his previous group (...)”–1

The hypothetical body which takes control of the patient in this case is telling us that not only there are spiritual lessons for individuals, but also for all sorts of groups.

On the other hand we find that, lately, the main groups with economic power in mankind who apparently would like to control and reduce the world population, are holding alliance relationships with representatives of groups which have suffered persecution in the past, such as ecologists, feminists, non-racists, defenders of sexual minorities, etc.

We discover that the main human economic power is becoming the instigator of the settlement of several group debts as a need for learning addressed to several human groups who have acted as culprits.

A list of group debts.

We may detail some group debts which explain the need to learn respect of the groups among each other, and to this end we refer to the historical data available. This list is not complete and in some cases we refer to situations which are closer to us.

To start with, there is necessary for human beings to respect the other living species on the planet, after a growing destruction of biodiversity. Both for our home planet and if one day we want to visit other worlds in order to spread out our population surpluses, we’ll have to learn to carefully handle the ecosystems which give us life and to act in symbiosis. The defenders of the ecological movement are, among human beings, perhaps those who better represent this need to improve the consciousness of our species with respect to others.

Male human beings feel a need to show respect to female human beings, after millennia of domination and abuse. Agustí Chalaux and Lluís Maria Xirinacs2 established a chronological estimate of the origin of the present day patriarchal times, in the neolithic revolution and the subsequent establishment of the first known peasantry. More recently, Jordi Griera, honorary member of the Centre d’Estudis Joan Bardina, has contributed a detailed study which evaluates in depth, and much more accurately how this historical imposition of patriarchate took place.3 Those who defend the feminist movement are, among human beings, those who may better represent this need for a group lesson.

Human beings, who are economically affluent, either because of an inheritance or because of their ability or their good luck, have the duty to respect those who suffer a lack of material resources. The economic differences among human beings should urge those who have more to share some of their riches with those who suffer serious economic deficiencies, or either allow them to have the necessary resources for their sustenance. The people who can best show this economic requirement for everybody are those representing the several political and social movements who sustain this need.

There is a need of respect by white human beings towards human beings of other races, after centuries of colonialism. Especially the forefathers of the white Europeans invaded, colonized and extracted the resources of the American, African, Asian and Oceanian continents, to the detriment of the inhabitants of other races. Besides, if one day we wish to travel beyond the known limits of our World, we will have to accept the possibility of having to respect an even greater difference of races. The people who best may defend this need of a collective lesson are those who belong to the movements against racism and for the dignity of the peoples of oppressed races of the past.

Human beings, with a majority heterosexual trend, have the duty to respect human beings with other sexual leanings, as long as there is mutual consent with no damage to the other person. The main trend is to face reproduction in a natural way, but this should not rule out those persons who, for whatever circumstances, have a different mindset, being respectful with the environment and with others. The people who defend the movement of non-heterosexual persons might best explain this necessity.

It is necessary that the members of nations which have become aggressive towards other countries learn to respect them. Quite often there is a reciprocal hostility among two or more countries. The situations of control and oppression of some countries against others are numerous and complex and sometimes history causes situations to capsize. Representatives of the liberation movements of oppressed nations are in the best position to convey this need of respect for their own nation when it is disdained by others.

When we submit solutions for the political, economic and social problems, we must not ignore the need to cause these lessons of collective learning to be adopted by those who in the past have been oppressors. To note that the mastery relationships are overturned is only a part of the lesson to be learned, and just to react against does not contribute a solution to this necessity.

Some special close cases. The Catalan invention of gunpowder.

Both Alexandre Deulofeu and the Institut Nova Història –a concern created by Jordi Bilbeny and the people working with him, such as Manuel Capdevila– have verified that the Catalan nation was the cradle of Western European civilization. A creative movement in all areas of human activity: arts, science and philosophy, moved forth from the Sant Pere de Roda monastery in all directions.4

The Christian Reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula sharpened their wits to carry on their advance on the rich Mediterranean and southern coasts, while the Reconquest was speedier on the central plateau and on the Atlantic coast.

Chinese represented on a capital of the monastery of Ripoll. Source: Manuel Capdevila Maresma. «L'abat de Poblet i l'emperador de la Xina» ("The abbot of Poblet and the emperor of China"). Link: times of King James I, they established a translators’ school at Ripoll. As a result of their work was the voyage of the Catalan plenipotentiary ambassador Jacme Alaric to meet the envoys of the King of Armenia, of the Byzantium Emperor and of the Great Khan of Mongolia, who was then the Emperor of China, in order to plot an alliance against a great power which went then from Cordova to Indochina, that is Islam.

The requirement to establish this alliance was the exchange of technical and military knowledge. According to Manuel Capdevila, China knew how to use gunpowder to make sky rockets. Following this hypothesis, the gunpowder secret was brought to Catalonia from China by two Chinese Mandarins who carried two sacks, which are represented in the sculptures to be found in the cloister of the Ripoll monastery.5

But according to Jordi Bilbeny the facts happened differently, because when China was conquered by the Mongols all the images in the reports show that the conquest was made by the use of swords, and it cannot be that China had gunpowder for military use and the Mongols not. Besides, the first potassium nitrate mines, or saltpetre, in Christian Europe to make gunpowder, were in the Rat Penat (Bat) cave at Collbató.6

According to both of them, in Catalonia they invented the use of gunpowder to make guns, cannons, blunderbusses, shotguns, Arab shotguns, mortars, bombards, and so on. Majorca and Valencia were conquered with gunpowder.7 Festivities in Valencia are made with great displays of pyrotechnics. The bat became a symbol of Valencia.

The Catalan nation, –with its yellow and red stripes flag which may symbolize its control of fire–, was a first-rate military and diplomatic power, besides contributing great innovations in the military science. But unlike scientist Alfred Nobel, who was disgusted with the bad use made of the dynamite he had discovered, and established the prizes which carry his name in order to compensate the peace defenders, the men of letters and the scientists, the Catalans have not yet instituted any system to compensate for the damages caused by gunpowder and other war innovations.

This need for a lesson of collective respect lets us guess why on several occasions the Catalan nation has been invaded with firearms, and why from a certain time on the Catalan capital city has been a victim of bombings every fifty years.

The Catholic Inquisition.

There is a need of the persons of Christian Churches in general and of the Catholic Church in particular, to respect the persons of other faiths, agnostics and non-believers. This phenomenon is to be related to the colonial attitude of the white persons, especially Europeans, towards the other races of other continents, but it is also related to the need of respect towards persons of other faiths and thoughts within Europe itself. Those belonging to despised faiths and thought forms in the past are in the best position to claim this need for respect.

Within the Catalan speaking territory is where the Catholic Inquisition applied more autos-da-fé against condemned persons, such as witches and heretics, in the whole Iberian Peninsula. Many of the victims were publicly burnt at the stake. When in the 19th century the inquisition was abolished, there started a phenomenon the other way round of anticlericalism which reached its peak in the Setmana Tràgica (the Tragic Week) of 1917 in Barcelona, again with fire as the main instrument for burning churches and convents, and again during the Civil War of 1936-1939 in the so-called Republican zone.

Belligerency between the Catalan and the Castilian nations.

Within the Spanish state there appears a situation of aggressiveness between the peoples of Catalan descent and the peoples of Spanish (Castilian) descent. It is necessary to read through the history of the so-called Spanish empire to uncover some of the collective debts derived therefrom.

Cover of the book: ‘El dit d'en Colom’, by Jordi Bilbeny, where European conquerors accompanied by flags with yellow and red stripes perform a pyrotechnic display with firearms. The aborigines lie on the ground as a sign of submission.Thanks again to the careful job carried out by the Institut Nova Història, we know that the Catalan nation played an active role in the so-called European discovery, conquest and colonization of the American continent and of the territories of the Pacific, meant to establish the European culture and belief systems among those peoples. The cultures of the native peoples were replaced, mainly in order to make evangelizing easier. Besides, during the reign of Emperor Charles I, the Spanish empire applied a pressure as a pincers movement between Catalonia and Germany to take possession of France and create a continuous European empire.

But as from about 1594,8 which is when France attains the phase of great unification, according to Alexandre Deulofeu, domination is reversed. Henry IV is proclaimed king of France in exchange for becoming a Catholic, but the intention of uniting France with the Spanish crown is no longer feasible, and therefore the opportunity to attain this European continuous empire is lost. Philip II had transferred the capital of the Spanish empire to Madrid and the Catalan nation lost its preeminent position. This change of capital for the Spanish empire starts the trend to consider the need to re-write history. From then on it is the people of Spanish ascent which impel more and more a censorship system which will substitute all references to the Catalan own culture and to attribute them to other peoples, such as Castile itself or Italy.

An opportunity for a collective lesson. Debt and credit.

IBM PC. Model 8088.The arrival of information technologies, especially the Internet, has helped the recovery from oblivion of forgotten and underrated cultures. Researchers of the cultures of the Americas and the Pacific can recover their ancestral knowledge prior to the European presence and rule, at the same time that researchers are studying the Catalan culture, such as Alexandre Deulofeu’s grandson, Juli Gutièrrez Deulofeu, those mentioned by the Institut Nova Història and others, recovering the recognition of the Catalan origin of Western European culture.

Doctor José Luis Cabouli in his conference in Soleràs (Les Garrigues), on Saturday, August 29, 2020.Doctor José Luís Cabouli is another practitioner of the Past Lives Therapy who has attended thousands of patients and has created his own school in Catalonia and the Iberian Peninsula on the one side, and his native Argentina and South America on the other. In the conference he gave to a great attendance on Saturday 29th August 2020 at Soleràs9, somebody from the public asked at which time a soul chooses its parents. He answered: “Sometimes we may choose, sometimes we may not, and at other times it is unimportant.”10 He also said that this ability to decide depends partially on the “cosmic credit” people may have.11

The fact of causing pain to another creates an individual debt for persons. On the other hand, the fact of carrying out actions to relieve or to cure the pain caused to a third party, diminishes the debt acquired in the past. Besides, if a person acts to avoid, relieve or cure the pain caused to others, that person obtains a cosmic credit, as Doctor Cabouli explains.

We may then deduct, according to the introductory reference by Doctor Brian Weiss, that the same is true in the relationship among groups. We may infer that, if a group or some people from such a group, devote themselves to relieve or cure the pain caused by previous members or forefathers of this first group to another group, then the old debt of the first group may be reduced. Is it possible that, if a group or important persons from this group, try to prevent, relieve or cure the pain of other groups, the first one may acquire cosmic credit for the group?

It would be a good learning lesson for the persons studying censorship, belonging to the Institut Nova Historia, and who mainly belong to the Catalan nation, to cooperate, contributing their experience, with the scholars studying the history of all those nations and peoples from all over the world, who have suffered censorship on their culture and who want to recover it. For example, the peoples of the American and the Pacific nations who were conquered by the Catalan ancestors, but also other peoples like Occitania, which was conquered by France, and India which was occupied by Great Britain and other European powers. The goal would be to cure the wounds and to let the whole of Mankind know the original cultural contributions of each people.

It is not only necessary to help to recover our own culture, if it has been a victim of censorship, through the simple desire of recovering what is ours, but also to spread among other peoples the lesson of respect for the cultural contributions of the remaining groups, which is a part of the learning of respect towards others and the need to love truth in face of manipulation and lies. The cooperation among groups of several nations will deepen even more this opinion in the different historical researchers.

In each relationship among several communities, where some have the role of aggressors and others are the victims, it is necessary to know the actual history of the different communities involved in order to be aware of the need to heal this relationship. In the example of the relationship between two or more nations, we must take an honest account of the story and not an account ruled by the inertia imposed by the peoples which won the last wars. The relationship between aggressors and victims will only be healed when in the collective subconscious of those which were aggressors the lessons of respect towards the victims will have established themselves.

It shouldn’t be necessary to learn painfully this lesson of group respect if there had not been a previous group damage caused by the ancestors of the oppressing group. If the human economic power is the cause of this lesson, and we criticise their actions when we find them unfair, the way to solve this sort of problems is to know the law of cause and effect, and to accept the lessons of collective respect. In this way it will not be necessary in future for a pressure group to interfere, or at least things will be easier to handle, to make us learn the lesson through suffering.

Brauli Tamarit Tamarit.
First edition: Friday, 16th April 2021.
Last version: Wednesday, 1st March 2023.
Version published in the web of the Institut Nova Història: Wednesday, 16th February 2022.
Translation: Loto Perrella.

We thank the persons who have helped in the drafting of this article.


1 Doctor Brian Weiss. Only love is real. Pages 91-92 in the Spanish version. Accessible in the In body and soul web. Sorts of karma, group karma, fame, goals, and forgiveness. Quotes from the learned ones:

2 See La primera història humana (The first human history) by Lluís Maria Xirinacs:

3 Read the last version of the book Vent d’alliberament (Wind of liberation) by Jordi Griera.

4 See Alexandre Deulofeu: Catalunya, mare de la cultura europea (Catalonia, mother of the European culture). Volume 7 of the Matemàtica de la Història (Mathematics of History). Editorial Emporitana.

5 “It looks as if the Tartar Embassy to the Catalan court must have caused some sort of commotion among the county’s élites, because there are two Mongolians sculpted in the monastery’s cloister at Ripoll, as remarked by Ferran Margarit.” Jordi Bilbeny, “L’enigma de Marco Polo” (“Marco Polo’s mystery”).'enigma-de-Marco-Polo

6 “In fact, James I, 200 years before already had the only supply of saltpetre (potassium nitrate) in the whole Christian Europe to produce his gunpowder (according to De Alquimia in three manuscripts by Michael Scot, 1180-1236): the saltpetre from the Rat Penat (Bat) Cave at Collbató.

The Spanish name 'pólvora' (far origin from Latin 'pulver') is a Catalan word which in Spanish means 'powder' (obtained with a mortar pestle), also the name of its main component is Catalan, the 'saltpetre' (from Catalan 'salnitre' – see the DRAE, which says that it is from Provençal, but in Provence they had no 'salnitre') (...)”.Manuel Capdevila. Colom i la pólvora catalana. (Columbus and the Catalan gunpowder).,

7 «Dizese que la siguiente noche, se hizieron en el Real ciertos instrumentillos de fuego, que vulgarmente llaman cohetes. Los quales dado fuego y echados en alto cahian como rayos, y rebentavan como truenos dentro la ciudad. Dellos echauan tantos del campo, que se dize, que los Moros viendo aquellos como monstruos de fuego, se atemorizavan, y los tuvieron por mal agüero. De aquí quedó en la ciudad, lo que después de tomada ella se ha continuado hasta nuestros tiempos en cada un año, hazer gran fiesta la víspera del glorioso martyr Sant Dionís, con el estruendo de trompetas y atambores y el jugar de cohetes y otros fuegos, tomando ocasión de aquella noche, que apareció la armada de Túnez, y fiesta que en la ciudad, y en el campo de los Christianos se hizo a causa della.».

(“They say that the following night they prepared in the camp some fire instruments, which are usually called sky rockets. When they were lit and thrown in the air they fell like lightening and exploded like thunder in the city. They threw so many that it is said that the Moors, seeing them as fire monsters, were frightened and considered them as ill omens. From this time there is the custom in town that, after it was reconquered, once a year there is a great festivity the day before the celebration of the glorious martyr Saint Dionysus, with the roar of trumpets and drums and the rockets and other fires, in remembrance of the night in which appeared the fleet from Tunisia, and the celebration that was being made because of it in the city and in the Christian camp.”).

Historia del muy alto e invencible rey don Jaime de Aragón, primero deste nombre, llamado «el Conquistador» (The history of the very noble and invincible King James of Aragon, the first with this name, called “the Conqueror”). 1584. By Bernardino Gómez Miedes, mentioned in Història de les armes de foc (History of firearms), by Manuel Capdevila.

8 See Quadre dels imperis (Chart of the empires) in Alexandre Deulofeu’s web site: After consolidation, empires usually overcome the older empires and lose with the younger ones, unless these last ones go momentarily through a phenomenon of imperial depression.

9 Conference by Doctor Cabouli: La vida antes de nacer (Life before birth). El Soleràs, Saturday, August 29, 2021. Available at YouTube through the following link:

10 In the whole conference video it can be visualized at 1 hour, 24 mins. and 20 secs. Link at:

11 See in the video of the same conference at 1 hour, 23 mins and 35 secs. Link:

There is a short video of Doctor José Luis Cabouli at Soleràs, with English subtitles. In reply to a question from somebody in the public, Doctor Cabouli defines “cosmic credit”:

“The cosmic credit” by Doctor José Luís Cabouli. A talk in Spanish with English subtitles.

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